Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Escape the Room - Episode 3: Cabin in the Woods

                                   Episode 3: "Cabin in the Woods"


"The Team wakes to find themselves in a dimly lit Log Cabin, The Team has no recollection of what just happened. They vaguely remember a party, Loud music and going to Uncle Steve's Cabin in the mountains. Outside bloodcurdling howling can be heard and the sounds of loud scratching on the wall, Is it a wolf? Surely it can't be, It's too big to be a wolf! It's got to be something else. Better not hang around to find out. The Team tries the door but it won't budge, It's been locked shut with two large rusty padlocks and dozens of old chains. Time to find those keys and get out of here before whatever is outside gets inside!"

The Taskmaster's voice is suddenly overheard through a hidden microphone inside the Cabin:
Taskmaster: "Youz may now Escape the Room! I can assure youz that zis time we have made ze room extra difficult. Each of you haz been given a personal clue to the location of a key that you may either share with your compatriots or keep to yourzelf. *Laughs* Good luck solving this one Team..."

The Team immediately spreads out to explore the room and to read there personal clues...

Ben: "Okay Team, This time I think we should... *Ben reads his clue to himself* ...Well thats interessant.

David: "Inter-what?"

Ben: "Sorry, I mean interesting. I keep forgetting not everyone speaks German here. *Laughs*"

David: "Don't worry dude, That Task guy speaks enough broken English for all of us. *looking at his own clue* So, What does your clue say?"

Ben:  "To reach both keys you will need to use other items, One is found in the Dresser"

David: "Then I guess that is where I'm looking first, Mine says: A key sits underwater just out of arms reach"

 *Suddenly the shadowy figure outside the Cabin howls loudly*

Laurel: "Ooooh, love dem wolvies. AWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

*While howling, Laurel runs to the bathroom*

Laurel: "Sorry guys but I gotta go poop! RAAAAAWWWRRR!!!"

Hélene: "How dis-gusting! You certainly won't find me announcing my bathroom habits"

 *Later while washing her hands, Laurel searches the cabinets in the Bathroom and finds a magazine*

Laurel: "Ooooh! Reading material!"

*The magazine reads: "Tales of the Unbelievable - Issue: 13" - It's about hunting werewolves!

Laurel: "AARRRRGH, me bestows death, famine and trials from the Spanish Inquisition upon them hunters! AWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


Ben: "Wow, this cabin reminds me so much of our holiday cabin in Hidden Springs. Wait, what is this on the chair?" *Ben finds a Dictaphone on the chair and a cassette that says Play Me, he proceeds to play the cassette*

"Hey! It's Uncle Steve here, Just thought i would leave you this message to let you know what's going on. I'm sorry I had to leave so quickly but I think it is for the best. There's something going on up here in these mountains and it's not safe! I've locked you in for your own safety but it won't be long before it finds a way in. I'm sure it will come as some relief to you that I have hidden two keys within the Cabin in case of an emergency that will let you escape, If all else fails look for my gun. I buried it for safe keeping in a box, But I forgot where i buried it. Again I'm sorry for not warning you about this sooner but I have to get to the bottom of this mystery first"

Laurel: *Leaving the bathroom* "Hey guys, did you know I once woohooed a Werewolf on vacation in Salou? He was super hot."

Anita: Oh my. Poor Laurel has gone mad...-der. Hehe. Now where should we begin? I’ll begin searching the kitchen. 

Laurel: "Nah. Ye'r just a bore. And still in the denial phase."

Anita: *Anita is taken aback* Ogh! I beg your pardon? I am very fun! *dances and shakes* Would you speak to your mother this way? I bet she doesn’t have moves like this *dances more wildly*

Monty: "Please stop, You are hurting my eyes"

Anita: "Oh, Sorry sweet pea. I forget myself sometimes, I keep forgetting I'm not quite the spring chicken I once was..."

*Anita stops dancing and searches the Kitchen for clues while reading aloud her own personal clue*

Anita: "Both keys can be found very low to the ground" "Well I'm stumped, Guess I best start checking the floor to see if someone has dropped a key"

*In the Living room*

*Monty reads his clue to himself*

Monty: "No clues can be found in the first room, both are found elsewhere" *Talking to himself* "First room must be where we are now, Which means that there must be a key in the Kitchen and a key in the Bathroom. *Talking to Laurel* Lime, What is in the bathroom?

Laurel: "A bath ya dingus!" *Laughs*

*Monty looks annoyed*

Monty: "No, What I mean is is there anything of importance inside the Bathroom?"

Laurel: "Only this weird looking cabinet with a padlock on it, Look, I'll show you"

*Laurel and Monty inspect the Bathroom Cabinet, Hélene joins them. The three notice that something is written on one of the cabinet's mirrors. It appears to be a series of math problems written backwards*

Laurel: "See! Look at this weird writing stuffs"

Monty: "Hmm... Number of Season's... Eyes on a fish... Days in Febuary..."

Hélene: "It's obvious the code for the padlock is 4228..." *Hélene attempts to enter the code*

Laurel: "Hey, that's my code! I found it first! Go find your own code!

*Laurel and Hélene fight over who is going to input the code first, Meanwhile in the Kitchen Anita searches the cabinets for more clues*

Anita: "Aha! Whats this I spy? Another cassette!" *Anita plays the red cassette aloud in the Living room with the Dictaphone for the Team to hear, It says:*

"Hey kiddos! It's Uncle Steve again, I don't mean to alarm any of you but I haven't been entirely truthful these past few months. The reason I don't won't you guys coming up to the cabin anymore is not because of the woodworm in the Kitchen or the leaky plumbing in the Bathroom, It's because I've been having these blackouts, Strange I know but they have slowly been getting worse. I don't know what happens but after the last one I had, I woke to find I had ripped the front door off it's hinges and that Mrs. O'Mackey's sheep at Hollowlog Farm had gone missing. So for your own safety I think it's best you stay away...

Anita: Hmmm... I believe that our collective Uncle Steve is a werewolf. Anyone else getting that vibe?

Ben: "Naja, this would explain the howling, and the reason why this monster out there is much bigger than a wolf, but I always thought werewolves were a mystery."

Anita: "Obviously you've never met my husband" *laughs*

Ben: "Okay, So these cassettes have to be connected. Whatever Steve is saying us, we need to find a way to get the stones in the kitchen out of the way."

*A large ominous looking shadow slowly moves past the windows, Heavy breathing and snarling can be heard outside. Something peers through the boarded up windows with menacing glowing red eyes* 

*Back in the Bathroom, Hélene, Laurel and Monty are searching through the newly opened Bathroom cabinet and inspecting the items inside, Together they find a Tin of Shaving cream, A Claw Hammer and dozens of bottles of sleeping medication. They decide to show the others in the Living room thier findings*

Laurel: *Looking at Hélene's chin in detail* "You could use some of that shaving cream tbh."

Hélene: "Don't test me Lime, It's bad enough I'm stuck in here with you as it is. I don't like enclosed spaces, One false move from you and I'm likely to flip out"

Laurel: "Fine Miss fancy pants, I'm gunna go hang out with the other party peeps. At least they know how to have fun" 

*Hélene facepalms*
*Laurel talks to the others* "Yo, Wazzup peeps? What have we got so far?"

Anita: "We discovered that Uncle Steve is a werewolf..."

David: "..And that something keeps staring at us through the window"

Monty: "It certainly looks like a werewolf, I would know, I have seen many of them before"

Ben: "It can't be a werewolf, they don't exist!"

Laurel: "Ever watched Jetset, kiddo? Seriously."

David: "Whatever it is, It has bad breath and is really hairy"

Laurel: "Ooh la la!...."

*Laurel's mouth curls into a seductive smirk*

Laurel: "Time to score me some werewolf." *Laurel wolf whistles to the shadow*

Ben: "You know what, just forget what I said, this is creeping me out. I'd rather like us all to be productive for once." *searches in the dresser for clues and comes across a locked drawer* 

Ben: "Come on, another key code? Are you kidding me?" *Notices the words "Remember the date" scratched into the wood* "Okay, first of, this Uncle Steve doesn't seem to be able to do his laundry, it smells like its looks. Now I actually believe that this "monster" is him. Now I only need to find a date, does anybody have a clue?"

Anita: "I'll check the bed"

*Hélene shouts from the Bathroom*

Hélene: "Can someone help me search the toilet? I think there is a key down there"

David: "Yeah, Sure. I don't know about you, but I'm not sticking around to be werewolf lunch" *David examines the bathroom toilet* "There is definitely something down there, It's stuck in the pipe"

Hélene: "How do you propose we get it out of there?"

David: "Well, There's always one way..." *Sticks his hand in the Toilet* 

Hélene: "I think I'm going to be violently sick"

David: "Please don't, It'll just be more for me to stick my hand in" *Laughs nervously* "Besides, I've seen worse toilets than this, You ever seen a portable toilet on a movie set?"

Hélene: "Can't say I have or ever want to... *Remembers the Tin of Shaving Foam in the cabinet* "Hold on, Maybe this will help" *She picks up the tin and it rattles* "Hmm.. I wonder" *Prying open the tin* "Aha! Knew it!" *Inside the tin is a small rusty key with a note attached reading: "Steve's diary key"*

David: "Well i don't think that will help us much with this foul smelling porta-potty but that could come in handy later on"

*David notices a rat in the toilet*

David: Ugh, fricking gross. I'd puke but it would just clog the toilet even more. Has anyone seen any drain cleaner?

Hélene: "Okay, I'm going to go look for his diary, You carry on doing a KT and sticking your hand down the toilet"

David: "I see something down there shining that looks like a key but it's too far down to reach, I doubt a magnet can do the trick. I think I'm gunna go search the kitchen for some drain cleaner instead"

*Hélene searched the bookshelf in the living room for clues, She comes across an old book on Myths and Legends that has a book marker in it. She opens up the book to the bookmarked page and notices a section about werewolves and the date 1808 being mentioned multiple times, She mentions this to Ben who immediately realises that 1808 is the code for the locked drawer on the dresser, Ben rushes over to the dresser, Inputs the code and finds a box of fishing hooks, Some fishing line and Steve's diary. Meanwhile David trys to dig through the rubble in the Kitchen with the claw hammer as Anita searches beneath the kitchen sink, While kneeling down she notices that a certain floorboard in the kitchen is loose*

Anita: "Hmm.. If there's one thing I've learned from playing this game so far is that to never underestimate the importance of little details"

*She trys to pry up the floorboard but has a hard time doing so*

David: "Need a claw, Anita? Har har har"

Anita: *Anita chuckles* "Yup! Hehe! As a matter of fact I do"*She prys up the floorboard and notices something shiny and metal at the bottom of the newly opened crawl space* "Just as I thought, There is something down there. It's kind of hard to see though, It's so bloody dark down there!"

David: "I suggest taking that lamp by the door. And by the way, I'm super stoked to find out what's under the floorboards. I'm wired on adrenaline right now"

*Anita heads into the Living room to pick up the lamp but notices it is super-glued to the floor, the Taskmaster suddenly pipes up on the PA system*

Taskmaster: "I thought you vould try and do zat, Hence why myself and Janet decided to make it harder for you all by super glueing all ze lamps to ze floor! *Evil laugh* Youz are going to have to use ze correct tools if youz want to escape zis time!" 

Anita: "You cheeky bugger! Well that's not very sporting...   It was a great idea David! Very smart. But I think it’s important that we find a torch, His lordship seems to want us to play by the rules"

*In the Living room, Monty inspects the Fireplace for clues, He notices a number of different letters carved into the bricks at the back of the fireplace. Laurel recalls a clue she found earlier and pushes a few of the bricks, Suddenly the brick wall crumbles away revealing a hidden compartment where inside sits a shovel!*

Monty: "Eureka! We can use this to dig through the rubble!"

Laurel: "Well done Einstein!" *laughs at her own joke*

*Monty and David proceed to dig through the rubble in the kitchen and uncover a small tool shed, Inside is cans of paint and a length of rope*

David: "Aces! We got rope guys!"

*Sometime later...*

Ben: "Okay meine freunde, We have alot of items but are unsure what the all mean. I think we should gather them all together and try to see what we can use"

*Sure enough the team puts all their found items together as suggested by Ben and trys to devise an escape plan, David gathers the rope and the shovel, Anita grabs the Claw Hammer and batteries, Laurel finds a torch in the bed and hands it to Anita who puts in the batteries in order to search the Crawl Space beneath the floorboards. Hélene uses the Diary key to open the Diary that Ben found in the Dresser and uncovers a series of clues that tells them they must fish for a key in the Toilet and dig for a key beneath the ground. Monty gathers the fishing equipment and attaches the fish hooks to the lines, Telling the rest of the group that his Grandfather taught him how to fish when he was younger. Anita uses the torch to illuminate the Crawl Space and spots a small wooden box at the bottom of what appears to be a dry well containing alot of bones. David suggests that if they want to get down into the pit they should tie the rope around someones waist and the others should lower them down*

Monty: "So we need 2 keys to solve the cabin? And one is in the loo... Maybe the box with the gun mentioned in the Diary earlier is in the hole?... Please don't kill anyone with it..."

Ben: "Ja, That means you Laurel"

*Laurel aims a finger gun at Ben and Monty's head*


Ben: "So, I assume we need to use the fish hooks to fish out the key from the toilet and we need the rope and torch to find the box with the key in the pit?" *The team nods in agreement* "Okay, So I think Monty, Laurel and me should fish for the key in the Toilet. Anita, You, David and Hélene head down into the pit and grab the other key"

Hélene: "Hold up wise guy, I'm not going in that pit! I'm not too good with places like that, I'll go with them and fish in the lavatory"

Anita: "I don't mean to be a pain in the backside, But I don't think I'll fit in that Crawl Space" *Laughs nervously*

David: "Nah, There is plenty of room. Besides you are only small" *winks at Anita*

Monty: "I have caught many fish in Ember before, Especially rainbow trout. There are many of them below the ground in underwater rivers. Fishing in a toilet should be easy compared to underground fishing"

*Under the supervision of Ben, The team works together to retrieve the two exit keys. Monty use his fishing skills to expertly retrieve the key from the toilet as Hélene and Laurel give directions and guide Monty through it. After alot of arguing, Ben and David decide to lower Anita into the Crawl Space using the rope with great difficulty. Anita gets stuck multiple times and has trouble squeezing into the pit but with some "Help" from David using washing up liquid to squeeze Anita through, The three manage to retrieve the box containing the key and the final blue cassette which Ben plays in the Dictaphone:*

"Hey buckaroos! It's Uncle Steve again... I just wanted to say I'm sorry i roped you into all this. I think it's time you knew about what happened to me a few years ago. You see, I was fishing late down at the river, It was about midnight and I had just caught one of the biggest fish I had seen in my life! I was busy celebrating my great fishing triumph when I heard howling in the distance, It scared the heck outta me!

I then decided it was time to pack up and head home, But before i knew it this strange grey fog had descended and covered everything, I couldn't see past the end of my nose! I tried to make my way back to the cabin but as i tried to climb up the hill i fell and hit my head. As I slowly picked myself up from the forest floor I was met face to face with what can only be described as the biggest wolf I had ever seen. I was terrified! It was fight or flight, So immediately I picked up my trusty shovel and tried to hit it away... But it was no use. The wolf bit my arm and scratched my face, I thought it was going to eat me! But it didn't... It ran away. Still shaking from the whole ordeal I found my way back to the cabin, thinking that the whole thing was over. Little did I know it wasn't..."

*With that, The team uses the two exit keys to loosen the chains on the door and exits the Cabin in ceremonious fashion to a waiting Taskmaster who is busy playing Solitaire on his Laptop* 

David: "YES! We did it guys! Ain't no werewolf's gonna eat us tonight!"

Taskmaster: "How do youz play zis bloody game! Zat iz ze third time I haz had to restart!"

David: "Hey Task, Nice to see you taking an interest in us winning your "Inescapable" escape rooms again"

Taskmaster: "Oh pleaze, Zat vas ze easy one. Never ze less, Congratulations Team on escaping. I thought for surez one of youz would perish, Or get injured, Or at least lose control of your bowels at the sheer complexity of my games zis time!"

Laurel: "WOOHP, WOOHP! We did it again! In your face!"

Taskmaster: "Yez, Very much Woohp woohp indeedz. Next time I will create a room so devious, so devilishly difficult zat ze six of you will have your headz explode at the mere degree of difficulty of it all! Zat vill teach youz to woohp woohp me! *Evil Laugh*"

Monty: "So, Where is the werewolf?"

Taskmaster: "Oh zere never waz any werwolf my friend, It vas simply Hollywood trickery... Speakingz of which please allow me to introduce youz to another of my good friends..."

*Steven interrupts*

Steven: "Excuse me?! You kidnapped me, Fool!"

Taskmaster: "Um yeah, Sorry about zat. Anyway, Please allowz me to introduce you to the guest voice actor of Uncle Steve...   Steven Hollywood!"

  Hélene: "Who?"

Anita: "Oh I know you, You were on Sims Reality All-Stars weren't you?"

Steven: "Not by choice..."

Anita: "Oh um, Well can I ask you a question?"

Steven: "What?"

Anita: "I'm a big fan of reality shows and um, You know on The Locomotive?

Steven: "Yes?"

Anita: "Well, Were the deaths real? Or were they fake like the ones on Whodunnit?

Steven: "I would prefer not to talk about it..."

Monty: "I have a question, Where were you during the second season?"

Steven: "Well actually, That's quite the story. I was heading back to my trailer when..."

Taskmaster: "*interrupting* Enough of zis idle chit-chat! We have much to discuss back at HQ"

  Ben: "*Laughing* Hey! Is that the "werewolf" over there?" *Points to a very unconvincing animtronic werewolf placed outside one of the Cabin windows*

Laurel: "Ooooh, Me likey" *Proceeds to make out with the animtronic werewolf*

*The Taskmaster fetches a broom and tries to hit Laurel away from the animatronic Werewolf that was set-up outside*

Taskmaster: Get off ze equipment you fiend! You vil short out ze circuitry! Ve havez to return zis thing in perfect condition by 6pm or else ve lose our deposit!

*Laurel turns her back to the Taskmaster and exposes her cheeks to him*

Laurel: "Moonlight Bay FTW!!!"  *She runs off laughing*

  Taskmaster: "Good lord! I think I amz turning into a werwolf!"

Laurel: "Ooooh!" *Laurel tries to make out with the Taskmaster*

Taskmaster: *While running away from Laurel* "Somebodyz help me! Get her off of me!"

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