Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Midnight at the Manor ~ Episode 3

Midnight at the Manor ~ Episode 3


Noa Neptune by x_MG_x
Felix McGregor by Kittymeow
Svetlana "Lana" Lavender by Icmnfrsh
Gilberto Gonzalo by Alleenmens
Jock Verzettelsch by M13Vulpecula
Moira McCall by Idontrcall
Dr. Gale Panetta by Haylo Husky
"Psychic" Sally Harpy by Turner
Duana Ebota Vermani by Keyenpeydee

Noa: "Surely you can't be serious? Dead?! This has to be some kind of practical joke..."

Jock: "Kindly isn't the kind of person to joke about this sort of thing, Trust me, I would know"
Noa: "And what makes you think you know her best out of all of us?
Jock: "Let's just say, death is one thing that Ms. De'Part takes very seriously..."

Lana: "Zis is all' too much for me, mes amies, I need a drink to calm my nerves"

Sally: "This is dark twisted house y'all, doomed for all eternity.... It carries a dark oppressive energy... Can you feel it?! It's oozing out a' the walls!"
Yvonne: "Sorry about that, We tried calling the exterminators..."
Sally: "It feels like something evil is watching over us... It's!... It's!... Oooh gawd I need a drink too, I think I'll join ya darling, I'm coming over all faint"

Lana: "Can I ask ma dame? If you are some kind of psychic... Wouldn't you know if someone 'ad died in ze 'ouse?"
Sally: "The spirits don't work like that hun..."
Lana: "Noh, Ze seem to only work when you want 'em to, No?"
Sally: "What are you implying Little Miss purple pants?"
Lana: "I assure you ma' underwear is not purple mon cher..."
Sally:  *flustered* "Too much info hun, Yer making me all a bother...  Good lord, is it hot in here or is it just me?"

Dr. Gale: "If I could examine the body, I would be able to put an end to all this speculation and rumour...
Yvonne: "Of course, You are quite welcome to see it, Upstairs, first door on the left, Just follow the smell"
Dr. Gale: "I would however need an assistant...  Perhaps someone with previous experience in Crime Scene Investigation?"

Dr. Gale: "Perhaps the good Detective McGregor could lend a hand perchance?" *She gestures towards Felix*

Felix: "What?! Me? Look Doc, I'm flattered but I'm not a Detective... I just play one on TV! I've never even been near a real body in my life, I'm not sure I could handle it... I mean, I can't even be in the same room as the "Fake" bodies on set, They freak me out!"

Gilberto: "Yeah! But I've watched every episode of your show! I've watched from Season 1-13 and you always know what to say! You know all that cool technical CSI stuff! Like if she was killed with a shoe you could say *Imitates Felix* "I guess you could say... The shoe is on the other foot!" or if she was killed because she hated the Disney Film Frozen "I guess someone couldn't... Let it go!" or... or you could put on your sunglasses and do the...

Felix: "Hey! Cut it out! Only I can do the Yaaaa! Got it?! That's my shtick!"

Gilberto: "Yeah, But only I make it look this good" 😉
Felix: "Fine, I'll go help the Doc but I do so under protest..."

Yvonne: "Well, In that case... I think it's best if the rest of us retire to the Drawing Room for drinks and light refreshments while Dr. Gale and Mr. McGregor examine the body"

*Gale and Felix head upstairs to Kindly's room while the rest of the Party Guests join Yvonne in the Drawing Room*

Yvonne: "They may be some time so I suggest we play a little party game to lighten the mood... Hmm...  Oh, I know! Why don't we play a game of Charades?"

All: *Collective groan*
Yvonne: "Oh come on, It'll be fun!"
Noa: *Sarcastically* "Oh of course, What could be more fun than watching some poor talentless twit make a complete idiot of themselves in front of complete strangers?"
Yvonne: *Equally as sarcastic* "That's the spirit, Jolly good show as you Brits say Ms. Neptune..."

Moira: "I for one would love a game of charades, It reminds me of the holidays and family get-togethers, You know when you have everyone and their Uncle around for dinner, giving eachother gifts and watching TV, meeting relatives you have'nt seen for years... *sighs* My Grandparents used to love charades... Until... well...
Yvonne: "Yes Miss, I know..."
Lana: "I used to be a' charades champagne... *hiccup* champion, I mean... back in ze ol' country of... um... In ze ol' country of..."
Gilberto: "France?"
Lana: "Uh, No, Minnesota..."
Gilberto: *Confused* "There is a Minnesota in France?"
Lana: "Not exactly Monsieur, You see..."

Duana: *interupting* "I don't mean to point out the fricking obvious here, But is this the right time to be playing games? We have like a dead body upstairs! Shouldn't we be like investigating or something?"

Yvonne: "All in good time Miss, For now I think we best leave it to the professionals...  Now then, Who wants to go first? Jock? Gil? Sally?"
Jock: "No thanks..."
Gil: "I'd rather go second"
Sally: "Pop culture isn't really my thing hun..."

Lana: "I... I shall go first madame, I 'av a great idea for a' Cher... sherry... *Hiccup* ...Charade!"
Gilberto: "Woah, Are you drunk? Awesome!"
Lana: "Please, Do not pee your pants with excitement...  I assure you that I 'am not drink... uh... dunk... Ah' merde, Ma words, They ar' muddled mon cher"

*Lana merrily stands and makes her way over to the corner of the room to act out the "Charade" she has in her head*

Lana: *Hiccup* "Okay, Allons-y!"

*Drunkenly flails her arms about* 

"It's a film d'image... Un' word..."

*Makes fish noises...  Mimes bubbles... pretends to be a pirate?*

Duana: "It's Pirates of the Caribbean!"
Lana: "No..."
Moira: "It's Finding Nemo?"
Lana: "Close..."
Noa: "It's a drunken Frenchwoman pretending to be a pirate?"
Lana: "Nope"

*Lana mimes teeth...  Eating something... More fish noises... Pretends to be fishing...*

Jock: "The Little Mermaid!"
Sally: "Where in the little Mermaid do they go fishing, hun?"

Jock: "If your so psychic, Why don't you guess it then?"
Sally: "I would never misuse my powers in such a way!"
Jock: "Unless it was for a price?"
Sally: "Oh, Of course darling"
Jock: "Just as I thought...  You would get along quite well with Count Maximilian with your money grabbing ways"
Sally: "I have no idea who that is..."

Lana: "Come on! It is easy mes amies!" 
*Lana mimes something scary...  screaming... swimming... drowning on dry land? A boat? No, wait a small boat...*
Gilberto: "Titanic?"
Lana: "Gettin' warmer monsieur"
Sally: "Fifty Shades of Grey?"
Lana: "Um... No"

Noa: *Turns to Yvonne* "Can we have a hint?"
Yvonne: "Hey, don't look at me, even I don't know what it is!"

*Upstairs Gale and Felix enter the bedroom in search of Ms. De'Part's body*

Felix: "Why have I gotta go first? I hate blood and gore, Last time I cut my arm I fainted!"

Dr Gale: "Oh for pity's sake, Stop acting like a baby and check that the crime scene hasn't been tampered with"
Felix: "But... Why?"
Dr Gale: "Because we will need all the evidence intact for when the police arrive"
Felix: "P.. P... Police? Why have the police gotta come here?"
Dr Gale: "Because if you ask me...  Ms. De'Part's death is highly suspicious..."

*The pair notice Kindly's body slumped on the floor beside the bed*

Dr Gale: "Oh my..."

Felix: *bursting into tears* "Oh god, Why? WHY?!! How could this happen to someone like her?"
Dr Gale: "If it's any consolation, She's at peace now, I hate to see someone in pain..."

Dr Gale: "Now, Perhaps for her sake we can find out how this happened?"
*Dr Gale examines the body*

Felix: "I have to say I am quite saddened by this awful news of Ms De'part's death. Not only was she a wonderful person who I adored spending time with, despite our anger filled arguments and constant break ups but she was also fantastic in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. Oh how I will miss those times dearly, well I suppose I may find myself another lady friend soon, that Sally seems quite an interesting character but I heard she's not interested men, such a shame."

Dr Gale: "Hmm... inflamed skin around the face and neck, Swollen tongue and throat, Angiodemo of the face, Cyanosis of the skin... signs of increased volumes of vomiting occurring before death... are you getting all of this Felix?"
Felix: "I recognise some of those words, I think I've seen this before during an episode of my show... This one girl had an allergic reaction to something I think? and her face got swollen as well, Except in our show it was only pretend"
Dr Gale: "You are definitely thinking what I'm thinking Felix, I deduce that the cause of death was asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen"

Felix: "So she had an Anaphylactic shock?"
Dr. Gale: "Correct... Good work detective"
Felix: "What can I say? I guess I am cut out for job after all!"
Dr Gale: "Let's not pat ourselves on the back just yet, We need to find out what caused this..."
Felix: "Oh yeah, Sorry..."

Dr Gale: "Now, I'm not a forensic expert but I can definitely smell Peanuts... Their! Look! That strange powdery substance around her mouth, It was probably ingested through something she ate or drank"
Felix: "Well that's not unusual, I mean she was a Peanut butter tycoon after all, She made her millions from peanuts!"
Dr. Gale: "True, but it's a well known fact that the De'Part family have all had a severe Peanut allergy for the last four generations, All the way back to her Great Grandfather who also died of a severe allergic reaction"

Felix: *Picking up Kindly's cup from the bedside table* "Something she ate or drank huh? That just doesn't make sense, Why would someone with a peanut allergy knowingly eat peanuts?"
Dr Gale: "I'm not sure, But something doesn't seem right here Felix, I'm thinking..."

Dr Gale: *Has a sudden realisation* "MAYBE SHE WAS POISONED?!!"

*A visibly startled Felix is Jump scared by Gale and drops the cup on the floor, Smashing it in the process*

Dr Gale: "NO! You smashed the evidence!"
Felix: "Oh crap! I'm like really sorry Doc, I didn't mean to drop it, It's just that you like scared the shiitake mushrooms outta me!"
Dr Gale: "It doesn't matter now but we may never know if someone had indeed laced her drink with peanuts"

Felix: "Why would someone want to lace her drink with peanuts? Wouldn't they know that would kill her? Who would want to hurt Kindly? She's one of the nicest people I know!"
Dr Gale: "Money? Jealousy? Revenge? It could be a number of things, I have a feeling there are more people with a motive downstairs than first thought..."

Felix: "Are you saying that one of us did it?"
Dr Gale: "Well if it was murder, Only someone in this house could have gotten close enough to her to exploit her allergy"
Felix: "So what do we do? The killer could be downstairs as we speak!"
Dr Gale: "Well for now I suggest we keep this information amongst ourselves, We don't want to cause a panic, We just sit and wait until the police arrive and then explain our findings to them, Agreed? If the assailant is indeed still amongst us then we wouldn't want them knowing that we are on to them"
Felix: "Um... Okay, I get what you are saying Doc but I feel like the people downstairs have a right to know, Ya know, I mean how would you like it if someone you were sat next to was a killer and you didn't know about it?"
Dr Gale:  *scowls* "Fine, Do as you please but don't say I didn't warn you!"

*Meanwhile Downstairs*

Lana: "Okay mon cher... I' will give you another 'int but this is easy!"
*Lana mimes a shark*
"It is a film! With a shark in it!"
Jock: "A Shark's Tale?"
Lana: "For ze last time..... NO!"

Noa: "This is ridiculous! We've been playing this stupid plumming game for nearly a half plumming hour! We are still on the first plumming one for plum's sake!"
Sally: "Mind your plumming language sugar!"

Gilberto: "Woah! Noa calm down, It's only a game! Just for fun, There is no need to get mad"
Noa: "I'm not even mad! I never even wanted to play this stupid game! This is all that plumming maid's fault!"

Yvonne: "Hey! Don't drag me into this, I just suggested we play a game, It wasn't me who acted out a nearly impossible to guess charade now is it?"
Lana: "I assure you, it iz not impossible! It is easy!"

Noa: "Easy? EASY?! If you say that one more time I am going to end your life!"
Lana: "It iz though! It eez the easiest one I kno'!"
Noa: "Thats it! Somebody hold me back! I'm going to cram that plumming easy charade right up your purple butt!"

*Suddenly Gale & Felix enter the room*

Felix: "Ladies and gentlemen, We have an announcement to make!"

*The whole room stops what they are doing and freezes, Lana still drunkenly miming a rather obscure shark, The guests still in mid guess as to what the charade is, Noa trying to strangle Lana and Gil trying desperately to part the two of them and to stop Noa from "killing" Lana over a game of charades*

Noa: "Okay Lavender, You win this round but I demand to know what that plumming charade was!"
Lavender: "Very well ma' violet cheveux belle femme, I' twas as you say in englais, Jaws"
All: *Collective groan again*
Noa: "I knew that... That was easy, Jeez, What took you guys so long?" *Takes a lollipop from her pocket and begins to eat it as she walks back to her chair*

Dr Gale: "I'm afraid I have some bad news for you all... for the sake of everyone's well being I had originally chosen to keep this information to myself however Mr. McGregor has convinced me otherwise... I regret to inform you all but Ms. De'Part's death was not from natural causes...  It was MURDER!"

Lana: *gulp* "Oh non ma pauvre chère dame, How did she die?"
Dr Gale: "The unmistakable smell of peanuts near her body leads me to believe that she died from a severe allergic reaction to an unknown peanut product that was concealed within her drink"

Jock: "This is why I stick to Chocolate milk, Specifically Chocafox.TM branded chocolate milk"
Sally: "Well ain't you just the walking advertisement hun?"
Jock:  "I'm hoping if I mention it enough they might give me a lifetime supply for all the free advertisement I'm giving them"
Yvonne: "Oi! You two, Stop breaking character! Get back in the scene!"

Sally: "So, You saying one of us killed her?"
Dr Gale: "Indeed, one of us here is a murderer"
Duana: "I bet it's Yvonne, It has to be, I mean look at her, She is just screaming mass murderer!"

Yvonne: "Nope soz, I don't mean to poo-poo your theory but I have been instructed what to do by Ms. De'Part if she was to "depart" this evening...  And my Producer is buzzing in my ear telling me to move the plot along"

Yvonne: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have here in my pocket the Last Will & Testament of a Ms. Kindly De'Part, To be read aloud to the guests should she... *coughs* ...be expired"

Dear Guests,
I apologise for all the confusion and distress this evening may have caused you all,
I have known for some time now that one of my former friends/colleagues has been plotting to kill me,
I have received death threats for many months now, However I have been unable to discover the identity of my would-be killer.
In order to get to the bottom of the mystery I had arranged a Dinner Party where all of those who I had suspected as my stalker/killer would attend and I could confront you all with this information.
However, If you are reading this then that can mean only one thing, This so called "Villain" has finally taken my life.
In the event of my unfortunate death my faithful servant Yvonne has been instructed to read out this letter to you all and to put the Mansion into "Lock-Down" 
While inconvenient to you all, This will prevent my killer from escaping and evading justice.

My final request to you all is to find the Identity of the "Villain" and to bring them to justice, If not for my sake then for your own as I can imagine that this "Villain" will not take too kindly to be detained here and will try everything in their power to escape. Good luck in your endeavours and remember, trust no one!

~ Kindly De'Part ~

Yvonne: "Now I don't know about you but I have a feeling she may have been drunk when she wrote that..."

Jock: "Lock-Down? No, no, no... I don't like the sound of that, You can't keep us detained here!"
Sally: "Fine by me y'all, I gots no place to go, I love a good lock-In"

Duana: "I HATE being locked in... I... I just can't handle being locked in, It's like... Seriously, let me out... This ain't funny"
Gilberto: "How long we gonna be locked in here? I have like a big game coming up in a few days!"

Noa: "Is it just me or is it that the longer this evening goes on, The more I'm beginning to dislike this Ms. De'Part?"

Meanwhile Outside...

Villain: *Whilst locking the side gate* "Oooohooohoohoo! Now things are gonna get interesting! Let the games begin!"

Kevin: *Talking to the camera* "Like dude, my landlady is a real pain in the ass, She like totally won't let me use the electric after 9pm so I gotta use the Mansion Dryers for all my wet pool clothes, What a nut job, amirite?"

*Kevin hears the garage door open*

Villain: "Crap! The party store got me a mask that's two sizes too small! This thing is gonna be a right pain in the..."
Kevin: "Whoa, Like who's there dude?
Villain: "Hello Kevin..."
Kevin: "Yo Y-V that you? Alf, That you Bro? Uncle Steve?!"

Villain: "Yes Kevin...  It's me... Your Uncle Steve..."
Kevin: "Like for reals?""
Villain: "No you Plum! I'm a 6ft tall Alien in a discount Walter White costume! Why the heck would I be your Uncle?!" 

Kevin: "I dunno, Uncle Steve had some really weird wardrobe choices... Like the Bearded Nun outfit her wore at my sister's wedding and the one with the..."

Villain: "Silence! Enough of this stupidity! It's time for you to DIE!"

Kevin: "Like totally not cool Bro! Totally uncool! Like DUDE!!!"

*The garage door slowly closes*

Moira: "I refuse to be held captive here, I'm not staying and I suggest that we all leave, They can't stop us all from leaving!"
Felix: "Is that wise? There is a killer on the lose after all..."
Moira: "It's all a trick, They wouldn't really lock us in with a killer..."

Jock: "I think I will join you, I have a deal with Chocafox.TM and if I was to die I would void my contract..."
Yvonne: "Please come back! It's not safe outside! I recommend you all return to the Drawing Room immediately!"

Jock: "You can't stop us, As my mother always said you can't keep a Verzettelsch in the same place for too long"
Yvonne: "I really must insist!"
Duana: "Yeah... No"

*Jock tries the side gate but it refuses to budge, It's locked tight*
Jock: "Hmm... Locked the gate, huh? Guess they thought about us trying to leave that way"

Jock: "Looks like they planned ahead... What do we do now?"
Moira: "There has to be another way out of here, How did the Cameraman get in here?"
Cameraman: "I'm not here, Remember?"

Moira: "Perhaps if we were to climb the fence?"
Jock: "I'm pretty sure they thought of that, I have a feeling it's electrified, We'll just have to face it... we are trapped!"
Duana: "I... can't be trapped, I hate... I have to get out of here... I have bad experiences with being locked in..."

12 Years ago...

Melony: "That's it! I warned you Maria! I told you if you played that modern Nicky Micky rubbish at my dinner table once more you would be spending the whole weekend in the Janitor's closet!"

Maria: "But Miss Fisher! I told you! Nicki Minaj is the Queen of Rap! It's not rubbish! Queen Nicki is my life!"

Melony: "I've heard quite enough about this so-called wrapping Queen..."
Maria: "It's called Rap, Gawd get it right, No wonder all the kids call you "The Fish" you probably still listen to stuff from when there were dinosaurs!"
Melony: "How DARE you! For that you can spend the whole week rotting in here with your musical filth!"

Melony: "You want your precious Nicky Mirage? Then she can join you!"

Maria: "No! Please don't break my Cd's! They were a gift! They are all I have!"
Melony: "I'm sure you and your scantly clad friend will have much to talk about in here amongst the spiders and dust mites while the rest of us enjoy a lovely fun-filled weekend at Summer Camp..."
Maria: "Please don't leave me here, please!"

Melony: "I'll be sure to let you out when we return, If I can remember that is... Ta-ta my dear!"

Maria: *crying*

Duana: "I... get these flashbacks... a lot, It's just enclosed spaces and being locked in that...  triggers them..."

Moira: "Hey! Look! This door has been left unlocked, Bet they never thought about us trying to leave through the garage!"


Moira: "Just as I thought, You see, Nobody can outsmart Moira McCall!"
Duana: "Yaaas girl!"
Jock: "Cripes! It's spooky in here! I ain't a fan of the dark at the best of times..."

Jock: "Search about and see if you can find a light switch or maybe a way out of here?"
Moira: "Who put you in charge?"
Jock: "Sorry, I just naturally jump into the role of leader, I'm used to telling my pit crew what to do"
Moira: "Well, I'd appreciate it if you didn't..."

Duana: "Yeah, Like... Light Switch? No need to thank me"

*Duana switches on the lights from the fuse box, The lights slowly flicker into life with a sickly red glow*

Duana: "Whoa... Freaky, Like some sort of party den"
Moira: "What a vile colour of lighting!"

Jock: "This place reminds me of my own garage back home, Look at all this cool vintage racing stuff they have in here! Guess Kindly really was a Formula Sim Fan after


*The group spot Kevin's body lying near the broken down car*
Jock: "More like who is that?"

Yvonne: "That is... sorry, was our pool boy Kevin... My god it's started already... I suggest for all our sake's that we return to the others inside and lock the door"

Jock: "What do you mean "It's started already"?"
Duana: "I can't take much more of this!"

Jock: "Answer me Yvonne, Did you know this was going to happen?"
Yvonne: "All will be explained later, For now can we please get out of here?"
Duana: "Yeah, It's giving me the creeps to be honest"

Moira: "Two bodies already, It's like someone is mocking me... I knew this would happen"

Jock: "Can you keep a secret?"
Moira: "What?"
Jock: "I don't trust Yvonne, I think she has something to do with all of this"
Moira: "I couldn't agree more..."

Moira: "I think we should watch our backs, I have a feeling this is only the beginning"
Jock: "I think I can trust you... So I'll just let you know... I... I think I'm the reason all of this is happening"

Jock: *sobbing* "It's all my fault, I should never have gotten involved with things I had no control over, How was I to know that the mafia were involved!... Oh god... They threatened my parents!"

Moira: "I don't think it was any one person's fault, If it is any consolation Jock I too have lost both my Parents and my Grandparents"

Many years ago...

A Cottage on the edge of the Riverview Woods...

Officer Hart: "So you see Miss McCall, Unless they have been missing for more than 48 hours there is nothing we can do..."
Moira: "I am telling you, My Grandparents wouldn't just disappear like this, They are in their mid 80s! It is freezing outside! They wouldn't just leave without all their winter clothes!"

Officer Hart: "I'm sorry, I wish I could help, I really do..."
Moira: "Then why don't you do something then?!"
Officer Hart: "Tell you what, We will do a quick sweep of the surrounding area in our patrol car, If they return in the meantime you just give us a call, okay?"

Moira: "So I just have to sit here assuming the worst?"
Officer Hart: "I'm afraid so... Don't worry Miss, I'm sure they will be okay"

Moira: "The snow is falling again... They could be anywhere out there... and I'm stuck here..."

2 days later...

Officer Hart: "Here it is miss, We found this truck with the engine still running and your Grandmother's purse still on the front seat..."
Moira: "Oh lord..."
Officer Hart: "Unfortunately, There is no sign of your Grandparents"

Officer Hart: "We are going to need you to confirm that this is indeed your Grandparents vehicle..."
Moira: "It is, It's Grandpa's old fishing truck"
Officer Hart: "I'm sorry Miss McCall that we couldn't find them... I need you to come with me to the station to file a missing persons report"

Moira: *sighs* "Grandma... Grandpa... Wherever you are, I will find you..."

*Moira and Jock return to the house but somebody appears to be watching them from the hedgerows*

Gilberto: "I don't see why we have to stay here? I have done nothing wrong! I'm just a footballer, Why would I want to kill somebody?"
Noa: "If I had done it, I wouldn't keep it a secret..."
Duana: "This is like the worst party I have ever been too, Why can't we just leave and let the police deal with this, That's what they get paid for, right?"

Lana: "Oui mon ami, I' do not see why we can not be allowed to go home, After 'all would not the evidence tell the constabulary who the culprit is?"
Felix: "Oooh, I know! Sally can ask Kindly's spirit who killed her!"
Sally: "Yeah about that darl'..."

Dr Gale: "No, please Sally, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the killer... After all out of all of us here you are the only one of us with a motive are you not?"
Sally: "I didn't kill nobody! I was here the whole time y'all, How could I kill one of my most favourite clients?"

Gilberto: "I'm sure we all have a motive, It's just some of us are better at hiding it than others..."

Dr Gale: "Well I am a doctor, I took a Hippocratic oath to do no harm and to help the sick and needy, I simply couldn't bring myself to kill someone no matter what the circumstances... Unless of course the patients quality of life was in Jeopardy then I would have to consider the alternatives"

Gilberto: "Maybe it was for her money? None of us here are extremely wealthy and Kindly did have a ton of cash, maybe somebody thought she owed them?"
Jock: "Like who?"
Gilberto: "Well, Like a jealous ex-boyfriend? or a fraudulent psychic seeking revenge? or maybe even a seedy business associate to whom she owed money?

Gilberto: "Think about it, we all knew Kindly somehow but before today none of us knew about each other, The only thing that connects us all is her... She knew that one of us was plotting to kill her, she just didn't know who so she must have known that she had plummed us all off in someway in the past?"

Jock: "Okay, I admit that she had annoyed me in the past... She helped me to plot revenge against Count Maximilian, He was a Mafia mob boss and owner of a rival Formula Sim team who had tried to have me killed when I refused to lose a race that he had bet on. He offered my family a lot of money to drop out of the main race and to allow him to win a contract with Chocafox.TM"
Gilberto: "You got involved with the Mafia?!"
Jock: "Not by choice... You see, Kindly helped me to cut the break lines on his car when he was leaving the race... It was only meant to injure him like he had injured me..."
Gilberto: "So what happened?"
Jock: "It killed him... I was an accomplice to murder! My mother was so ashamed of me and what I had done that she disowned me... from that day on the Mafia had a personal vendetta against both me and my parents, We have had to live in hiding ever since! I never forgave Kindly for getting me involved in the first place, It was a such a stupid idea! In fact, It was all her idea!"

Gilberto: "So? Case closed! Jock did it!"
Jock: "I certainly did not... I may have been an accomplice but I am no cold hearted killer, besides it would be more likely that the Mafia had her killed!"

Yvonne: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate to interrupt these blind accusations but I'm afraid the storm has gotten worse and has swollen the river, The bridge is out so the Police will be unable to get here and the phone lines are still down, You will all unfortunately have to stay the night... Luckily I have several guest rooms prepared upstairs"

*Yvonne shows each of the guests to their rooms*

Yvonne: "Here you are Dr Gale, The Green Room facing the river, I'm sure you will find everything to your liking..."
Dr Gale: "Thank you Yvonne, Pleasant dreams..."

Yvonne: "Here is your room for this evening Mr. Verzettelsch, The "Sunset" Room..."
Jock: "Cool"
Yvonne: "Oh by the way, Your racing gear arrived this morning as requested, I had it pressed and put in your dresser"
Jock: "Wow, thanks!"

Yvonne: "This room is your room Mr. McGregor, The Blue Room, If you need anything please do not hesitate to ask..."
Felix: "Maybe I could... request your company for this evening?" *Winks at Yvonne*
Yvonne: "I'm sorry, That costs extra... and well more than you can afford!" 

Yvonne: "I'm sorry to say but this room is your room... The, Um... Nursery... yeah I wasn't expecting so many guests so you'll have to make do with bunk beds"
Noa: "Do I have to share a room with him of all people?"
Gilberto: "Hey, You ain't the prettiest of the bunch either!"

Yvonne: "Here you are ladies, I'm afraid this is the last room in the house... The Pink Room!
Sally: "I'm sorry to be a pain sugar but... In case you ain't noticed, There's two of us?"
Yvonne: "Yes, I know"
Moira: "Can't I have a room on my own?"
Yvonne: "Sorry, no... It's either this or sleeping outside"
Sally: *awkwardly* "I don't mind... *coughs* Sharing with you... If y'all don't mind..."

Gilberto: "Oh my god! What's happened to you?!"
Noa: "I'm a werewolf, The full moon brings out the animal in me"
Gilberto: "Oh... I just thought you were always that hairy, I meant what happened to your teeth?"

Noa: "There is nothing wrong with my teeth?"
Gilberto: "Well maybe to you but to me they look hideous!... Although I should have guessed, You Brits are known for your bad teeth..."
Noa: ... *Angry stare*

Noa: "Take this you plum!"
*Hits Gilberto with a pillow*
Gilberto: "Ooof!"

Gilberto: "Okay, if it's a pillow fight you want, It's a pillow fight you'll get!"

*Jock is trying on his Chocafox.TM racing clothes in his bedroom*

Sally: "Um... ain't this... nice? Just us girls together?"
*awkward silence*
Sally: "Can I... *nervous cough* Um, would y'all mind moving over hun?
*Moira doesn't answer and continues reading her book in silence*

*Felix climbs into bed and switches off the light*

*Dr Gale falls asleep next to the fireplace*

Duana: "The glow of fire has always intrigued me... The crackle of the flames... The dancing embers..."

Lana: "Are you going to spend all evenin' whispering sweet nothings' to zat fire mon cher or are you going to go to sleep?"

Duana: "I can't sleep, Not here, It's too dark... The fire needs to be brighter..."

*Minutes later Lana begins to snore loudly*

Gilberto: "I call shotgun on top bunk!"

Noa: "You can't call shotgun on a bed! That's not how beds work!"
Gilberto: "Ya snooze ya lose!"

Please play this before continuing for the full effect...

It's Midnight at the Manor and the clock strikes 12...

...and lurking about the house, Is a face we know well...

...The Villain is on the prowl on this fateful night...

...But the question is...

...Which guest will they choose to snuff out their lights?

*The door slowly creaks open to Jock's bedroom*

*The clock begins to chime*

Villain: *Whispers* "Jock... Jock... Wake up..."
Jock: "Who's there?"
Villain: "It's your worst nightmare!"
Jock: "No! Anything but Killer Turtles!"
Villain: "Seriously?!"

*The clock can be heard all throughout the house*

Villain: "Enough of this nonsense! It's time for you to DIE!"

Jock: "NO!"

*The clock chimes drown out the sounds of Jock's shouting*

Villain: "It's no use Jock! No one can hear you! Hahaha!"


To Be Continued...

Noa Neptune by x_MG_x
Felix McGregor by Kittymeow
Svetlana "Lana" Lavender by Icmnfrsh
Gilberto Gonzalo by Alleenmens
Jock Verzettelsch by M13Vulpecula
Moira McCall by Idontrcall
Dr. Gale Panetta by Haylo Husky
"Psychic" Sally Harpy by Turner
Duana Ebota Vermani by Keyenpeydee

Note from Production: "Thank you Vul for playing and submitting Jock, I had a lot of fun writing him and he made an excellent addition to the cast, I only wish he could have survived longer so I could have used his Racing Outfit you sent me more than just the once, Alas it wasn't meant to be. I hope you will still read along and give me your input on the episodes and if you would like to know the Villain's Identity, Please let me know and I will PM/Email it to you"

The Afterlife Show ~

Yvonne: "Hello and welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to a small segment I like to call the Afterlife Show, This is a small section of the show where we interview the most recently eliminated contestant and get to know their side of the story. It also gives the "Actors" chance to break character and share with us their thoughts on the game"

Yvonne: "So without further ado, I'd like to welcome our first guest on the show, Jock Verzettlelsch submitted by M13Vulpecula, Welcome Jock..."
Jock: "Good to be here, Thanks for having me on the show"
Yvonne: "Your most welcome, Thank you for playing!"

Yvonne: "So Jock, I think the number 1 questions on everyones minds are "Are the deaths on the show real?" and "What is it like to act out your own death?"
Jock: "I'm glad you asked me that Yvonne, Well first things first, No, the deaths aren't real, it's all just a show and secondly it is really cool to act out your own death scene but just a little bit scary, The makeup department really went all out with the practical effects, I look like some sort of zombie in this get up..."
Yvonne: "I can imagine it is very scary, I know I wouldn't like to be woken up in the middle of the night by someone wearing a creepy alien mask!"
Jock: "Oh, It's not too bad, In fact the Villain is a really nice guy... Can I say that? Is he/she/it even a guy?"
Yvonne: "I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Yet..."

Yvonne: "Anyways, I have another question submitted by a viewer which is "What is it like to be eliminated first?"
Jock: "Oh, I'm not too worried about it, In fact I see it as a compliment, It just means whoever the Villain is must have really seen me as a threat"
Yvonne: "Why do you think that is?"
Jock: "I think it was winning the second most valuable clue that painted a target on my back, Because they couldn't eliminate the highest scorer the Villain went for the second best thing, me"
Yvonne: "Well I'd just like to say, You may be eliminated but you are still staying with us for now as we need you to act out your final scene tomorrow when the guests discover your body"
Jock: "Yip, That's right, It's going to be sad but it's also going to be a really cool experience, How many people can say they have played themselves as a dead body?" XD
Yvonne: "Before you go, I'd like to tell you who the Villain was..."

"Yvonne whispers something to Jock about *coughs* and *coughs again*"

Jock: "No way!"
Yvonne: "Yes way, That's why they picked you to be killed first"
Jock: "That is insane! Wow and I would never have guessed it was them!"

Yvonne: "So there you have it folks, Jock was the first person eliminated and because he was killed by the Villain that also means that the Villain was successful in evading capture, Tune in next time to find out who will survive "MIDNIGHT AT THE MANOR!"

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