Monday, 16 July 2018

Midnight at the Manor ~ Episode 4.5

Midnight at the Manor ~ Episode 4.5

Noa Neptune by x_MG_x
Felix McGregor by Kittymeow
Svetlana "Lana" Lavender by Icmnfrsh
Gilberto Gonzalo by Alleenmens
Jock Verzettelsch by M13Vulpecula
Moira McCall by Idontrcall
Dr. Gale Panetta by Haylo Husky
"Psychic" Sally Harpy by Turner
Duana Ebota Vermani by Keyenpeydee

Just past Midnight

*Duana appears to be sleeping, Lana meanwhile snores loudly and talks in her sleep about "Fromage" all is quiet until... *

Duana: *Whispers* "Lana... Lana... Are you awake?"
Lana: *Snores* "Zzzzz... Le fromage was délicieux... zzzZzzZzz..."
Duana: "Nope, Like just as I thought, This girl is in dreamland"

*Duana changes clothes and puts on her outerwear cautiously trying not to wake Lana*
Lana: "Zzzzz... aller chercher le vin... très bon! ...ZzzzzZzzz"
Duana: "Girl, I have no idea what you are saying..." 
*As Duana shuts the dresser drawer it slams loudly starling Lana momentarily*  
Duana: "Oh Plum! Shh! You stupid drawer!"

*She tip-toes over to the window and peers out at the dimly lit gardens*
Duana: "Plum! That's one heck of a drop, Why did I have to have a bedroom on the 3rd floor?"

Duana: "Now then, How do I open this window?"
Lana: "Zzzz... Lift le' catch and pull up... Zzzzzz"
Duana: "Thanks... Wait what?"
Lana: *Snores*

*Duana climbs out of the 3rd floor window and slowly makes her way down the side of the building*

*As she reaches the 1st Floor her foot slips and she narrowily stops herself from falling by grabbing on to the window ledge*
Duana: "Plum me! That was a close one!"

Duana: "And gently does it..."
*Duana lands in the bushes as she jumps from the window ledge*

Duana: "Yaaas! Slay girl! Who says I can't scale the side of a building? Guess all those years of sneaking out taught me well"

Duana: "Now I just gotta climb over this gate, Hope they don't release the hounds or anything when they realise I've broken out..."

 *She turns towards the mansion*
Duana: "So long hell hole! I won't be leaving a good review on Yelp!"

*Yvonne can be seen peering through the curtains from her room on the top floor*

*Duana meanwhile makes her way over the side gate and out onto the Garage Driveway*

Duana: "And now to call my parents and get as far away from this godawful place as possible"

Duana: "Jeez it's cold out here! Like Plum! It's freaking freezing!"
*As Duana stands trying to warm her frozen hands an unfamiliar truck pulls into the Driveway*

Duana: "Wow, Like that was quick, I wasn't expecting someone to come and collect me this soon..."

Duana: "Who the heck is driving that thing? Mom? Dad? Is that you?"

*Suddenly the truck's headlights switch to full beam and light up Duana and the person behind the wheel, Duana noticing the newly illuminated driver screams in horror as the Truck speeds up and hits her at full force*

*Duana, after hitting her head on the hood of the truck and being pulled under, lies upon the driveway barely conscious*

*The Driver exits the vehicle calmly and is revealed to be...*
Villain: "Heeheeheehee! Did you really think I would let you escape so easily?"

Villain: "You must be mad if you think I'm going to let all of my time and effort go to waste! I didn't spend the last few months planning this little get together just for you to go and spoil it all by leaving!"

*The Villain fetches a large rusty shovel from the back of the Truck*
Villain: "Ooohoohoohoo! This will do nicely, Now I'm really glad I killed the Pool Boy and stole his truck! Hahahaha! This is why you should always keep a shovel close to hand... Cuz you never know when you'll need to bury a body!" 😈

Villain: *Talking to Duana* "Now then, Where should I bury you my dear?"
Duana: "M... M... M, Mom... D...D, Dad..."
Villain: "What? Huh? I ain't yo momma! Do I look like your momma to you?"

*Duana begins to hallucinate from the trauma seeing visions of her parents*

Mom: "Duana... It's okay... You are safe now..."
Duana: "Mom, Dad... How did you know where to find me?"
Dad: "It's okay now... We are here Duana... Nothing can hurt you..."

Duana: "But... The others... They are... Oh god my head..."
Mom and Dad: "You are safe now..."
Duana: "But I..."
Mom and Dad: "You are safe..."

*She then begins to see visions of her pet dog Chico the Pug*
Duana: "Ch... Chico... How... How did you? Where did you?"
Chico: *Whimpers*

Duana: "You g.. g.. good boy Chico... It's okay..."
*Chico stares at Duana as she begins to slip in and out of consciousness*
Duana: "Come on Ch... Chico... We are leaving... I've had enough... of this place"

*Duana starts to lose consciousness as her vision gets blurry and her eyes feel heavy*

*Eventually everything fades to black*

To Be Continued...

Noa Neptune by x_MG_x
Felix McGregor by Kittymeow
Svetlana "Lana" Lavender by Icmnfrsh
Gilberto Gonzalo by Alleenmens
Jock Verzettelsch by M13Vulpecula
Moira McCall by Idontrcall
Dr. Gale Panetta by Haylo Husky
"Psychic" Sally Harpy by Turner
Duana Ebota Vermani by Keyenpeydee

Note from Production: "Sorry to see you go Keyen, I really enjoyed writing Duana, She quickly became one of my favourites just because of her really tragic backstory, It really gave her an edge which I loved delving into the history of with her flashbacks, She made for a much more grounded character who was a good contrast to the other guests and she fitted quite well into the fray as the person to question all the madness. I was sad to see that you wanted to quit, I hope you will continue to read along with the rest of the season, Thanks for playing!"

The Afterlife Show ~ 

Yvonne: "Hello and welcome once again Ladies and Gentlemen to a small ensemble I like to call the Afterlife Show. As you may know by now, This is a small section of the show where we interview the most recently eliminated contestant and get to know their side of the story. It also gives the "Actors" chance to break character and share with us their thoughts on the game"

Yvonne: "Tonight I have with me Duana Ebota Vermani submitted by Keyenpeydee, Welcome to the show Duana, Say Hi to our viewers!"
Duana: "Um, No thanks"
Yvonne: "Not even a little wave to camera?"
Duana: "No"
Yvonne: "Fine... Party pooper"

Yvonne: "So... I haven't really got any questions prepared because this was all so sudden, Instead I'm just going to Improvise... So, Um... What was it like getting hit by a Truck?"

Duana: "Surprisingly comfortable..."
Yvonne: "What?! Really?!"
Duana: "No you Plum, You do realise I never actually got hit by a truck? That was like a stunt double, Oh my gawd"

Yvonne: "Oh right... Yeah, Sorry, I keep forgetting that the deaths aren't real..." 😅
Duana: "How dumb can you get?"
Yvonne: "Wow, Rude... So did you actually climb down the side of the Mansion? Because that looked pretty cool, When I watched that back I just had the Mission:Impossible music playing in my head the entire time" 😆
Duana: "Nope stunt double again... Didn't you see the change of clothes? The Continuity guy was like really not paying attention when they filmed that scene"

Yvonne: "Welp that's all the questions I'm paid for... So that was a thrilling yet insightful look into the mind of Miss Duana Ebota Vermani, Thanks for playing!"
Duana: "No problem... So when do I get paid?"
Yvonne: "You don't... But look on the bright side, I can now tell you who the Villain was!"
*Yvonne whispers to Duana*

Duana: "SHUT UP! NO WAY!"
Yvonne: "Yes way! Would I really be telling you it was them if it really wasn't?"
Duana: "I don't know, I can never tell if you are lying or telling the truth?"
Yvonne: "And that's the way, aha, aha, I like it..."

Yvonne: "So there you have it my fellow armchair detectives, Duana was the third person eliminated after her creator quit the game, That means the Villain is still at large and is waiting for their next opportunity to strike! Tune in next time to find out who will survive "MIDNIGHT AT THE MANOR!"

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